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Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
a wife to a handsome man and a mother of two lovely kids.this blog was created to express my passion towards FOOD, SHOPPING and TRAVELLING

Sunday 24 April 2011

TIAMO - for ballerina flats lovers

I am not a shoes lover but since I walked in Tiamo's at The Gardens Mid Valley, it was love at the first sight...Mak oooiiiii!!!!...Cute-cute nya flats kat sini...Dania lagi lah, sampai takmau keluaq langsung dari kedai...Everything is in pink...Rasa macam dok dalam lollipop bila masuk kedai Tiamo ni...Flats are comfortable to wear especially yang kaki-kaki shopping tu...Good for our backbones too...

The flats are designed in Korea...Oh ya!!! Tiamo only sells ballerina flats...No boots, no high heels, no sneakers...Just ballerina flats...Peep-toe flats pun ada...Best of all, ada 'mother and daughter' flats...Meaning, kasut yang sepadan untuk mama dan anak pompuan...Ala-ala Katie Holmes dengan Suri gitu...Just look at the pic above, cute aren't they???...Ni baru sikit, ada banyak lagi designs kat Tiamo...Harga???...Ala, lebih kurang Charles and Keith...RM119 ke atas but I am sure not more than RM300...Kasut budak pompuan dalam RM119...

So kalau nak bergaya macam Katie Holmes dan Suri, spend lah duit anda di Tiamo...Kat 1st floor The Gardens Mall Midvalley...Kat Sunway Pyramid pun ada dah...


  1. kat ataih tu kasut2 hang ka?
    aku jenis tak wat collection kasut, pakai sampy rabak..dan kasut aku jenis yg ala-ala comfy hush puppies dan scholl saja..sooo not trendy..(kasut oghang tua :p)

  2. rozy sama la kita..aku kalau dah suka 1 tu jer la aku pakai sampai lunyai..terukkan..kikiki

  3. tu bukan kasut-kasut aku daaa...aku ambik gambaq dari website Tiamo la...aku bukan 'hantu kasut' pun...tapi kalau berkenan, aku beli la...aku pantang high heels...aku tak suka sebab tak practical sebab takleh ligan anak aku kalau depa berlari2 dalam shopping mall...

  4. Good sharing blog! ya, Tiamo Shoes are Modern Classic and Career Fashion for working women, Dressy Elegant for the weekend and Celeb Glam for special occasions.
    I like the story of the designer and you may see her story at:

  5. Here the direct url for Tiamo Shoes' designer Story
