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Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
a wife to a handsome man and a mother of two lovely kids.this blog was created to express my passion towards FOOD, SHOPPING and TRAVELLING

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Pu Erh Tea - You 'Glow', Girls!!!!!

Nak nampak awet muda???...Nak kulit berseri-seri atau glowing macam J Lo???...Nak kurangkan kolestrol???...Then, try drinking Pu Erh Tea and make it as your daily beverage...I love organic food/beverages but I never take 'jamu' or pills...I started drinking Chinese Tea since I was 19 until now...My favourite of course Jasmine Green Tea...I never buy Chinese Tea from supermarket counters...Only from Chinese Tea House...Kat Penang, memang banyak Chinese Tea House...Sebab teh dekat Chinese Tea House lebih tulen atau pure walaupun harganya agak mahal kalau nak compare dengan yang jual kat supermarket...Pu Erh Tea was introduced by my Chinese friends...The benefits are greater than the ordinary Chinese Teas...Refer wikipedia ni :-

Pu'er, Pu-erh, Puer, Po Lei or Bolay is a variety of post-fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China. Post-fermentation is a tea production style in which the tealeaves undergo a microbial fermentation process after they are dried and rolled. This is a Chinese specialty and is sometimes referred to as dark tea. There are a few different provinces, each with a few regions, producing dark teas of different varieties. Those produced in Yunnan are generally named Pu'er, referring to the name of Pu'er county which used to be a trading post for dark tea during imperial China.

So, secara ringkasnya Pu Erh Tea ini adalah teh yang melalui proses penapaian atau diperam...Lagi lama usia teh ini, lagi mahal harganya...Kalau teh yang berusia 60 tahun, harga untuk 100gram boleh sampai rm300...Lagi mahal pun ada...The one that I've been drinking is 10 years old Pu Erh...Harganya lebih kurang RM100 untuk 100gram...

Cara nak minum, kalau untuk satu mug, cuma memerlukan 1 camca teh Pu Erh...Tuang air panas (bukan suam tapi panas) dan biarkan daun teh kembang...NO SUGAR...It's black but not as black as coffee...Drink while it's hot...Kalau dah sejuk, kureeennnnggggg benefit nya...Actually, ada aturan untuk minum Chinese Tea ni...It's quite complicated...Tapi minum macam yang saya ajaq tu pun orait gak...

The benefits :-
1) Anti-ageing
2) Anti-oxidants
3) Prevention from Cancer, Heart Diseases
4) Diabetic control
5) Toxin removal
6) Improve digestion
7) Improve eye-sight
8) Weight Loss
9) Glowing skin
10) Improve blood circulation
11) Reduce blood pressure

Tapi kalau minum Pu Erh Tea ni, bersedialah untuk mengunjungi toilet dengan lebih kerap...Pundi kencing anda akan lebih active!!!!...Hehehehehe...Ini adalah kerana toksin sedang disingkirkan dari badan anda...No harm done...


  1. Salaam.
    Boleh dapatkan Halal Puerh Tea dari Yunnan di halalyunnanpuerhtea.blogspot.my

    Diimpirt khas dari Muslim Province Yunnan, China.

  2. Salaam.
    Boleh dapatkan Halal Puerh Tea dari Yunnan di halalyunnanpuerhtea.blogspot.my

    Diimpirt khas dari Muslim Province Yunnan, China.
